Yesterday,23 oct 05,Inaugaration compaign in TV9,Education......Primary Education,The fundamental right of every child got good response from all.In that Inaugaration all the major political leaders,experts and senior journalists participated and shared their ideas to develope the standards in the primary education.
The chiefminister's lecture,
First the C.M of A.P Mr Y.S.Rajasekharareddy gave his speech about develope the primary education of our state.He promised to abate the child labour in ou state, and told with in 15 years we will achieve 100% literacy in our state, and Y.S.R. disputed to appoint the teachers in 1:9 ratio alleged by experts.
The education minister's lecture,
The education minister of A.P. Smt N.Rajyalakshmi told that The presant day educationsystem became commercial and it is tough to poor people to educate their children.She would take the necesary steps to produce the good standards in the Gvmt Primary schools,It can be possible inly by the commitment actions done by the teachers.and she gave valuable
Sriniraju's discourse,
In his discourse Sriniraju,M.D. of iLabs told that With out produce the good standards in the primary education, We can not make goot skilled engineers.He told about 2050 India will have 350 millions of worked people,They will put the India in position of 3rd place in the world economy.
Chandrababunaidu's lecture,
The opposition leader Chandrababunaidu told that with out education there is no future and requested to C.M. take the actions for quality education for the children.
C.E.O. of tv9 Raviprakash,Loksatta leader Jayaprakash narayan and other senior jopurnalists were participated in this inaugaration and shared thier valuable idead about the PRIMARY EDUCATION in the A.P.
This inaugaration was done from 8a.m to 8p.m and cretaed censation in the media.This type of compaigns will help to construct good society.Once again Hatsoff to tv9.
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