Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Don't reconstruct the past, try to redesign the future....

Folks, I have been reading various interesting posts on this group for
some time. I would like to chime in with my thoughts.

In spite of the good faith efforts, not all policies and strategies
formulated by various governments work in the intended manner. We
almost always seem to be reconstructing the failures from the past
rather than discussing how to redesign these policies and better
strategize their implementation for a better future.

I also think that our governments must be held accountable for a failed
strategy(s) and/or actions. However in today's governance there hardly
seems to be any discussion on how to redesign these policies and
initiate the necessary strategic changes.

Why is there so little to no dialogue on failed government
policies/strategy(s) for a better future?

And how do we integrate bottoms up approach in policy, strategy
formulation, and great governance?

I would like to know what you think.

Best regards,
Lokesh Nara

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