Friday, December 30, 2005

Re: MNCs Sucking up India's IQ - Tom Friedman

Nice excerts by chandu, I have put in my comments for each of them.

Chandu Sambasiva Rao <> wrote:

Dear Friends,

In my mind the top ten points made by Tom are as below. CliffsNotes
verison, if you will) I think these are very good points for this group
to take up for discussion. First of all, do you agree or disagree? What
of these you agree with or disagree.

How best to address these cencerns?


1. Indians are less interested in politics and more interested in
growth opportunities.
   -- I do agree that Indian's are more towards Growth and interested  in petty politics.  There is not much belonging nesss among us.

2. Creation and distribution of wealth depends on infrastructure,
education and governance.
-- Very true
3. India has a prime minister who really gets it. You don't have to
start by explaining it to Manmohan Singh. He's the Deng Xiaoping of
India. Who you need to explain it to is half the Congress party and
others who, in this coalition, are like the ball and chain around his
-- Most difficult part is to keep explain to rest of the team and pursue them to be along with him.
4. I think India's most debilitating liability is the third leg, it
doesn't have the governance. .. Terrible corruption. Good people-all my
dynamic and exciting Indian friends-wouldn't think of going into
politics. Because they see it as a waste of time, energy and also as
violent and corrupt.
-- Governance is very important aspect for any thing to run successfully. Being a democratic country, people needs to enter into politics especially  Good and dynamic people, other wise there will be greater imbalance.

5. Capitalism makes people unequally rich, socialism makes people
equally poor. India was an expert at making its people equally poor. It
now moves to capitalism to make people unequally rich. But as a general
phenomena, it has also lifted the floor. India wouldn't have the
largest number of middle class today if that weren't true.
-- Capitalism is good, at least  middle class will be majority instead off poor.
6. My daughter is in love with her iPod. Do you know where the MP3 chip
in her I-pod was designed? Hyderabad. Not made, not put together by a
bunch of cheap Indian workers, but designed.
-- Well this is in contrary to rest not bad it’s designed in India and assembled else ware, needs     brain power to design.  But only this is that we gets benefited more is the question?

7. Microsoft just opened its fourth research centre in the world-in
Bangalore. You think they are there for cheap labour. They are there
for, what they call, an 'IQ suck'. They want to, like a straw, suck out
as much IQ as they can from India.
-- I guess it’s good that lot of research centers are getting to India, to build infrastructure like china it take long time and lots of investment.

8. You give a farmer a cell phone and you'll see the biggest leap in
anti-poverty that one can possibly imagine. This isn't about everyone
becoming a call centre worker in Bangalore. Poverty will really be
alleviated when India, when people who live on the land in agriculture,
become more productive. And technology has the greatest chance to do
that in the shortest time. You look at the number of farmers in India
who want their kids to study English.
-- former needs medical facilities and guidance to for his day to day work, he does not cell phone.

9. The fact that Indians can now innovate without waiting in line at
the US embassy, without having to come to cold Minnesota and look for
an Indian restaurant to get their chapati and curry, the fact that they
can stay home, live in their culture, be in their extended family, eat
their native food, wear their native clothes, take part in the most
cutting-edge innovation, that is really cool.
-- This is one thing very noticeable; most of the IT people in India have pretty good resumes.
10. When farmers can get more from their land, when they can understand
global markets better, when they can produce niche products for
different markets, that's when India will really turn around.
-- That's true then only we can declare India is an advanced country.
Venkat Krishna Sreeram.


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