Thursday, January 12, 2006

Re: Just a thought: let us discuss & ACT!

>>Our contribution should be matched as follows:
Our group's Rupee : Local village's Rupee: 2 Rupees from the Govt. This
is how we could ensure that there is enough partnership from both the
local project owners and the state Govt.

I like Dr. Sunkara's idea. When we talk about Public Private
Partnerships, ownership from all stakeholders, becomes very important.

This is an important thing for our group, and especially our Working
Committee to focus on. Initially, my thought was, if one of our members
volunteers to be responsible to undertake some project in his/her
village, he/she will be able to nurture such relationship with the
locals (if not monetary, the beneficiaries will be asked to donate some
of their time and effort). I did not think about involving Govt. or
taking advantage of available programs. If they do exists, we should
make use of such matching funds.

Dr. Sunkara, will you be interested in collaborating on this to build
the framwork?

Madhu, GV, Ramesh, Sagar have already signed up. With your insight, we
can make the framework more practical.


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