Thursday, January 12, 2006

Re: Just a thought: let us discuss & ACT!

Madhu has a point. I think this discussion should put all the ideas on
table, as we are doing rightly so. However, I do think, it is easier to
do without involving Govt bodies in smaller projects. There is still
some commitment from the beneficiaries as we will nurture and take care
of issues related to that.

To start with, let us stay away from Govt. bodies and as the interest
grows and when we embark on bigger projects, dealing with Govt.
programs may be more worthy of volunteers' time. I think you can build
this compromise into the framework.

If the funds we are looking at is under $500 per case, may be we should
run without much of coordination with third party agencies.

I like your idea of addressing the basic needs in schools, which is
some thing we all understand and have passion for.

It's not the hand that signs the laws that holds the destiny of
America. It's the hand that casts the ballot. --Harry S. Truman

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