If succeeding governments focus on discrediting the policies of earlier
governments, we should agree that the opposition parties during that
time must have failed in catching such missteps or must not have paid
enough attention.
The sole purpose of any government has to be to use all available
resources at its disposal in a strategic and constructive way to better
serve the people through developing sustainable frameworks and
policies. Additionally, if any of the wrong doings or missteps by the
earlier governments are unearthed, bring out all relevant information,
discuss in the legislative bodies, and make amendments where necessary
through democratic voting.
Simply creating confusion and referring such issues to courts is not
only belated, but is pure witch-hunting. If any government tries to
thrive on such confusion as an instrument to intimidate, constrain, and
control opposition parties, it servs no one. Unfortunately, the current
administration seems to be excited and eager to carry out such missions
forgetting that bad precedences will only result in bad outcomes
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